The Sad Loss of such a great person Posted on : Nov 08, 2010 by Chad Warner

I never knew of this site, oh so loving Christy.  It was the investigator in me that ends up finding all and what a beautiful site it is!  You are not forgotten by any means, as I remember the news so very keenly.  It was a blow that I don't think I will ever forget and the service was beautiful, but oh so ever painful for me.  I will never forget that day, the people I talked with, the promises that were made.

I have had the pleasure this summer to have your girls stay with me, my mother, my aunt, my wife, and to enjoy their wonderful youth.  They shine so ever bright just like you did.  Their eyes sparkle just like they do in your pictures and theirs, here on this site.  You have some very special girls Christy and they are being loved and watched over.  We all miss you dearly, and I wish you were here so I could visit with you and the girls together.  I know you look down and you see my tears, my sorrow, my is for you, it is for your family, it is for your girls not growing up with their mother by their side.

We will see each other again, when the time is right.  RIP, God Bless!


Chad Warner