My Auntie Posted on : Aug 27, 2004 by Zachary Charlton

Auntie was nice to me when I was a baby. When I came to vist she laid blankets everywhere in her house so I could crawl around and not get a rash, I had very sensistive skin when I was a baby she told me. One of the times when our family went to Disneyland she bought me an Indiana Jones Pluto because I collect Plutos and I went on the Indiana Jones Ride for the first time. I loved the times mommy and I would have "sleep overs" at her house and have "a late night". We would watch movies and have popcorn and candy and stay up as late as we could! I was always the first to fall asleep though except sometimes when Alyssa would fall asleep first!

She always let me play with all her cool calculators.

I love you Auntie and I miss you very much!!

Love, Zacky