Happy Birthday My Girl Posted on : Sep 04, 2009 by Mom

Happy birthday my sweet girl,

It has taken me a month to gain the courage to write my thought but alas, the time is here. How wonderful the day was that you came into my life. After carrying you inside and wondering for months what you would look like, what type of person you would be, I finally held you in my arms and marveled at your beauty. I was truly blessed with a happy little girl who rarely fussed and always had a smile for whose arms you were in and loved to cuddle. As you grew, you always loved animals and took pride in caring for them. I?ll always remember your love and care of Sheba and your horses no matter how cold or hot, wind or rain they were always your concern. I?m proud of the caring, loving person were and pray your girls will remember your morals and values as they grow into young women. It wouldn?t be complete if I don?t mention your sense of humor and that special little smile that you and daddy shared. I often reflect on your early grammar school days at St. Mary?s when you decided to become a nun. Dad and I felt this was a heavy commitment at such a young age and moved you to a public school. I wonder if this was a message from above in preparation for you to join our lord long before we would be ready for you to leave. Of course, we never understand his plan but there isn?t any doubt that you are there by his side.

I love you my darling girl and miss you so terribly much. When my heart hurts more than I can bear, I tell myself to fold you into my heart and keep your memory there. One more day, one more month, another year, and another birthday passed; I choose to focus on the happy birthdays we had with you until we can celebrate them together again.

Happy Birthday
